Place is owned and operated by INPEX -the
Invention/New Product Exposition, which is a trade show presented
by InventHelp . The site is designed to enable
inventors, innovators and individuals with new product ideas (herein
after referred to as "INVENTOR") to display their
concepts on the internet and to give individuals and companies
looking for new product ideas a place to search for new
concepts in one location.
Invention Place does not endorse or evaluate ideas, rather,
it only presents them as the originator of the idea wishes.
Invention Place reserves the right to refuse an INVENTOR
the right to display a new product(s) or innovation(s) without
explanation. If this occurs we will refund any unused portion
of the fee paid to us.
Invention Place recommends you only submit ideas
that have proper legal protection, we do not check that an INVENTOR'S
innovation has such protection and therefore cannot be held
liable for protecting your idea. If you have questions about
whether or not your idea is protected in the United States or
internationally, or how to protect your intellectual property
rights, we recommend that you consult with a patent attorney.
Invention Place does not give legal advice, and
is not responsible in the event that an INVENTOR has submitted
an idea for inclusion on this web site prior to securing the
proper legal protection. Only an attorney can give legal advice.
Invention Place does not imply nor guarantee that
your particular product(s) or invention(s) will be reviewed,
licensed or bought by any company.
Any and all inquiries made regarding an invention
will be forwarded to the INVENTOR. We do not endorse nor recommend
any particular company or individual with which to do business.
We are strictly a conduit to pass on to the INVENTOR any inquiries
which may be received. It is solely the responsibility of the
INVENTOR to conduct an investigation regarding the inquiring
party and to consider the merits of doing business with said
company. Furthermore, any terms negotiated are strictly between
the INVENTOR and the inquiring party.
In the event a license, purchase or sales agreement
of a new product or innovation occurs as a result of using our
services, no additional fees are due us. The only fee that we
receive is from the INVENTOR at the time of purchase of services
for listing on the web site.
Terms of Service
It is agreed that our only obligation to the
INVENTOR is to list the INVENTOR's innovation, invention, or
new product on the Invention Place web site pursuant to this
The INVENTOR agrees to fully indemnify, defend
and hold harmless Invention Place, its parent company, officers, directors,
employees and shareholders from any and all claims of any type
arising out of participating in Invention Place or the use of Invention Place in general.